Tag: anxiety

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) causes anxiety, LSD and its derivatives may treat it

The so-called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is perhaps the most commonly diagnosed mental health condition. Ergo, the…

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs cause depression/anxiety, blocking serotonin rapidly reverses the latter

It is hard to come up with a more controversial statement in psychiatry than to say that…

Posted in Science

Blocking serotonin (5-HT) stops withdrawal symptoms in addicts

The role of 5-HT and other stress mediators such as cortisol, adrenaline, estrogen, prolactin, histamine, etc has…

Posted in Science

Big Pharma – oral GABA doesn’t work; Also Big Pharma – oral GABA works, can replace alcohol

We are now living in an openly clown world, so I don’t really expect many doctors to…

Posted in Science

Anti-anxiety drugs cause brain damage, unemployment, and suicide…even if stopped

Just a few minutes ago I posted about a study implicating serotonin (5-HT) and, by extension, SSRI…

Posted in Science

STUDY: Glycine may treat depression; MEDIA: Glycine may cause depression

The level of misreporting in mainstream media is reaching criminal levels. For example, there have been many…

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) drives fear and conditions such as anxiety/PTSD

Conversely, blocking 5-HT or lowering its synthesis can probably cure most fear-based conditions such as generalized anxiety…

Posted in Science

Pregnenolone (P5) blocks stress-induced anxiety, hypertension and cocaine cravings

A great new study, and with humans too! As the study aptly demonstrates, the primary driver of…

Posted in Science

Human study – vitamin B6 may relieve anxiety and depression

Vitamin B6 is perhaps one of the most underrated B vitamins. While it attracted a lot of…

Posted in Science

Just a week-long break from social media alleviates anxiety and depression

I don’t think this study will come as a surprise to my readers, but it still helps…