Tag: age

Posted in Science

Grip strength is a reliable biomarker of biological age

My presence at social gatherings and parties is somewhat dreaded by the hosts (even if friends) due…

Posted in Science

Young age, instead of old, is now a risk factor for stroke…even without predisposing conditions

Just a week or so ago I did a post on the unfolding epidemic of cancer in…

Posted in Science

Striking accumulation of PUFA in aged cells

Peat has written many times about the changes that occur in “aged” cells. Those changes are virtually…

Posted in Science

Humans have a ‘salamander-like’ ability to regrow cartilage

The title says it all, but the study authors make the unfortunate/handicapped conclusion that while we may…

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Fertility depends on metabollism (ATP), not age

As many of you know, there are two fundamental dogmas in reproductive medicine. One is that every…