Tag: adrenaline

Posted in Science

Salt restriction promotes stress by elevating cortisol

Yet another “controversial” topic is getting some attention. After medicine reluctantly accepted the existence of the “Obesity…

Posted in Science

Lowering adrenaline as effective as opioids for severe/chronic pain

Most of my readers know about the raging opioid abuse epidemic in Western countries. What most people…

Posted in Science

Heart attack survivors have high stress (cortisol/adrenaline) hypersensitivity, low androgens

A very interesting study that highlights yet again the connection between chronic stress and ill systemic health,…

Posted in Science

Adrenaline suppresses the immune system and promotes viral infections

The timing of this study just could not have been better considering the current coronavirus epidemic. The…

Posted in Science

Aspirin/salt for treating a broken heart, and what REALLY causes Afib

At a first glance the study below seems rather mundane but a careful read provides some very…

Posted in Science

Blocking serotonin, adrenaline treats anxiety, brain damage due to alcohol “addiction”

Over the last 2 decades a large number of studies have come out demonstrating that the withdrawal…

Posted in Science

Blocking stress signal (adrenaline) just once cures anxiety, PTSD and maybe any mental disorder.

This is a remarkable study, which once again implicates extreme stress in the pathology of mental health…