Search Results for: Endotoxin obesity

Posted in Science

Media: Endotoxin (LPS) drives obesity/diabetes

I did not think we will ever see such a headline in a major news outlet, but…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin (LPS) drives obesity, diabetes and CVD in young people

It looks like medicine is starting to change course on its attitude to endotoxin (LPS). After claiming…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin (LPS) as a cause of liver disease, obesity and diabetes

The first article below is actually about praising fermented foods, which I don’t really agree with. So,…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin (LPS) as a cause of systemic inflammation seen in obesity

Yet another study implicating the great villain of systemic health – endotoxin / LPS. It is well-known…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin has a G.E.L.D.I.N.G effect, causes obesity and hypogonadism

A very interesting study proposing that the decline in gonadal function seen in obese/diabetic men is due…

Posted in Science

Lactate is a key driver of diabetes/obesity, by promoting inflammation

A great study, demonstrating that in diabetes (just as in cancer) the so-called Warburg Effect (aerobic glycolysis)…

Posted in Science

Blocking endotoxin (LPS) may reverse/cure diabetes type I (insulin dependent)

Yet another study demonstrating the key role of endotoxin in the pathology of perhaps the most widespread…

Posted in Science

Another “paradox” – elevated cortisol, from high-fat diet, increases inflammation

Over the last year or so I posted about several studies demonstrating that even short-term usage of…

Posted in Science

Dietary PUFA (linoleic acid) causes inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

The rates of IBD have truly skyrocketed over the last 10-15 years, significantly surpassing the general increase…

Posted in Science

Aspirin may replicate the benefits of fasting, while avoiding its risks

I just made a post about fasting raising risk of early death by about 30%. On the…