Tag: serotonin

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs increase violent behavior and promote recidivism

Despite decades of animal research demonstrating how elevated serotonin in general, and SSRI drugs in particular, turn…

Posted in Science

Blocking serotonin may treat allergies and inflammatory diseases

The bad news for serotonin (5-HT) just keeps accumulating. Aside from its well-known (outside of medical office,…

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs, not depression, destroy empathy

Yet another medical myth gets busted today. A common dogma in psychiatry is that one of the…

Posted in Science

SSRI drugs strikingly toxic for fetal brain, may cause autism

As many of my readers know, autism rates keep rising and even mainstream medicine has acknowledged that…

Posted in Science

Serotonin antagonists as treatment for COVID-19 / SARS

A quick post to let my Twitter followers know that serotonin is implicated in viral diseases as…

Posted in Science

Serotonin may be a cause of hemorrhoids and tinnitus

The two conditions mentioned in the title of the post are quite pervasive among Western societies and…

Posted in Science

Blocking serotonin, adrenaline treats anxiety, brain damage due to alcohol “addiction”

Over the last 2 decades a large number of studies have come out demonstrating that the withdrawal…

Posted in Science

Serotonin causes anhedonia…and mental illness in general

As many of my readers know, anhedonia is one of the most pernicious symptoms of most mental…

Posted in Science

Serotonin causes the startle response, and likely PTSD as well

As my readers know, I have posted quite a few threads in the past on the topic…

Posted in Science

Chronic stress (adversity) lowers dopamine and causes mental illness

The evidence for the role of chronic stress in virtually every health condition doctors have a name…