Category: Science

Scientific articles and discussions, with my comments and take on the topics therein.

Posted in Science

Forcing the heart to burn glucose instead of fat may cure heart failure

One of the blockbuster studies I have seen over the last 12 months. It reads as if…

Posted in Science

Low-dose (but not high) niacinamide reverses reproductive decline in old females

A great new study, which once again confirms the importance of metabolism in “aging” disorders such as…

Posted in Science

Antidepressants are physically addictive, should not be taken long-term

What is surprising about this study is not that antidepressant drugs are addictive. We have known this…

Posted in Science

Aspirin now officially recommended for pre-eclampsia, pre-term birth, and birth defects prevention

After almost a century of evidence in favor of aspirin, combined with complete failure to develop other…

Posted in Science

Aspirin/salt for treating a broken heart, and what REALLY causes Afib

At a first glance the study below seems rather mundane but a careful read provides some very…

Posted in Science

Vitamin E can treat/cure severe fatty liver disease (NASH) in humans

As many of my readers know, currently there is an epidemic of the condition known as non-alcoholic…

Posted in Science

Some ALS cases may be cured by vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

A rather fascinating case study/report, which, despite its misleading and convoluted description, suggests yet again that motor…

Posted in Science

Simple heating of tumor often leads to a rapid and complete cure

As many readers of my blog know, one of the primary signs/symptoms in cancer patients is the…

Posted in Science

Babies are altruistic, even to their own detriment

A great study that raises serious questions about the validity of currently dominant theories a-la “Selfish Gene”…

Posted in Science

More than 30% of GP doctors suffer from “compassion fatigue”

What a twisted/perverse way to say that a good portion of doctors are psychopaths. If anybody thinks…