Tag: stress

Posted in Science

Stress (cortisol) causes pre-term birth by blocking progesterone

If you ask a gynecologist what causes premature birth, the answer will usually be something along the…

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) is a key driver of asthma

Yet another blow to the status of the so-called “happiness hormone”. While histamine, acetylcholine, and estrogen have…

Posted in Science

Childhood stress causes mental illness in adults by blunting androgens

Yet another great study solidifying the evidence on just how detrimental early childhood stress is. It has…

Posted in Science

Stress (cortisol) as the driver of hyperglycemia in type II diabetes

To most of my readers, the title of the post may seem like something completely obvious and…

Posted in Science

Sugar (sucrose) lowers stress-induced cortisol

Just a quick post to give some props to the much-vilified sucrose. The study below demonstrates that…

Posted in Science

Heart attack survivors have high stress (cortisol/adrenaline) hypersensitivity, low androgens

A very interesting study that highlights yet again the connection between chronic stress and ill systemic health,…

Posted in Science

Stress-driven lipid peroxidation, inflammation re-awakens dormant cancer cells

Yet another study demonstrating that stress is anything but benign or irrelevant for chronic diseases, especially for…

Posted in Science

Sexual activity and stress levels (HPA activity) may determine longevity

The study below tried to tease out the main factors affecting the longevity of the legendary naked…

Posted in Science

Meditation can worsen mental health, even cause clinical psychiatric issues

I have always been ambivalent in regards to meditation, mostly due to its teachings that many perceived…

Posted in Science

Childhood stress / deprivation leads to early puberty / aging

The evidence that adult health problems have their roots in childhood or even prenatally continues to accumulate….