Author: haidut

Posted in Science

Glycine (and leucine) can treat fatty liver (NAFLD and NASH)

A great new study that demonstrates the strong protective effects of glycine, alone or in combination with…

Posted in Science

Serotonin promotes (futile) patience and (false) faith in future rewards

This study alone explains so much of the pathological behavior seen in humans living in developed countries….

Posted in Science

Serotonin (and SSRI drugs) can cause anxiety and PTSD

Yet another great study exposing just how much of a “happy hormone” serotonin really is. As usual,…

Posted in Science

Progesterone and allpregnanolone are protective against COVID-19

I think we will be seeing more studies on this topic, especially in light of the ongoing…

Posted in Science

Oral pregnenolone as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in humans

As many of my readers know, the first step in steroid synthesis is the so-called “side-chain cleavage”,…

Posted in Science

Compared to meat eaters, vegans / vegetarian / pescatarians have higher risk of fractures

The study just hit major news outlets and is generating a lot of “controversy”. Why putting that…

Posted in Science

Orange juice (OJ) as therapy for all coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2

If anybody needs a reason to convince themselves (or their family members) that drinking OJ is beneficial,…

Posted in Science

Face masks (at best) ineffective against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 and flu

A series of studies, some of them covering viruses other than SARS-CoV-2, yet the findings of all…

Posted in Science

DHT is an estrogen (receptor) antagonist

A neat little study, and in-vivo at that, which demonstrates that DHT is a direct estrogen receptor…

Posted in Science

Fasting ups estrogen & cortisol, decimates vitamin D, may cause diabetes

A really interesting study, which will likely generate more than a few hateful emails for my Inbox…