Posted in Science

Low vitamin D levels linked to premature death

Another way to phrase the findings of the study is that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk…

Posted in Science

Gut bacteria overgrowth drives (cocaine) addiction; glycine can reverse it

Yet another study highlighting the importance of the microbiome for our health, and suggesting again that there…

Posted in Science

Iron drives heart failure by fattening the heart; iron chelators may prevent/cure

Recommending high intake of iron is one of the most common dietary recommendations of registered dieticians, as…

Posted in Science

Young age, instead of old, is now a risk factor for stroke…even without predisposing conditions

Just a week or so ago I did a post on the unfolding epidemic of cancer in…

Posted in Science

Gut bacteria causes rheumatoid arthritis (RA)…and likely all other “autoimmune” conditions

After decades of fraudulent theories on the origins and development of RA, the study below seems to…

Posted in Science

NSAID drugs, except aspirin, linked to heart failure

The link between NSAID usage (except aspirin) and heart attacks is not new, but I decided to…

Posted in Science

Endotoxin (LPS) – a reliable biomarker of cardiovascular disease (CVD)

It looks like more and more medical groups are waking up to the important role LPS plays…

Posted in Science

Fasting/exercise decreases androgens, increases aldosterone (and possibly cortisol/estrogens) in women

I often get criticized that I rely too much on animal studies, so here is a human…

Posted in Science

Low testosterone (T) may drive kidney and liver disease (NAFLD) in men

As many of my readers know, the “normal” range for T has been changed multiple times over…

Posted in Science

Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer are bioenergetic diseases; PUFA may be the cause

The bad news for PUFA (in this case linoleic acid) just keep piling on. At this point,…