Month: August 2024

Posted in Science

US Government: Fluoridated water damages brain and lowers intelligence in humans

Honestly, I did not think that an official government admission of the dangers of fluoride would occur…

Posted in Science

Thyroid hormone (T3) promotes curiosity, exploration, novelty-seeking

Curiosity is one of the most common observations in healthy children and is even an established biomarker…

Posted in Science

Vitamin A may alleviate depression in humans

I know this post will make me a lot of new enemies among the anti-retinol crowd, but…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide improves bone health and reduces fat synthesis

Two of the features of aging thought to be unavoidable are brittle bones and increased visceral fat,…

Posted in Science

Vinegar (acetic acid) alleviates depression in humans by increasing niacinamide

A very interesting study, which suggests niacinamide may be a treatment for depression. Strikingly, the almost 50%…

Posted in Science

Vitamin E may lower mortality in COPD patients

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) rates have been steadily rising over the last 2-3 decades despite steadily…

Posted in Science

Serotonin (5-HT) promotes (chronic) pain and, likely, depression as well

Evil serotonin rears its ugly head again. This time, the findings of the study below are that…

Posted in Science

Reduced folate intake may extend lifespan, by restoring metabolic flexibility

Ever since we launched our B-complex product Energin almost 10 years ago, we have been getting emails…

Posted in Science

Lactate drives cancer resistance to chemotherapy, reducing lactate is therapeutic

Over the last 5-6 years, a number of high profile articles (many of them, including the new…