Category: Science

Scientific articles and discussions, with my comments and take on the topics therein.

Posted in Science

Vitamin D, reducing fat oxidation may treat lung fibrosis, COVID-19

Pulmonary fibrosis, regardless of etiology, is considered invariably a progressive and fatal disease. Despite this official story,…

Posted in Science

How lipolysis may damage organs such as the heart

It is well-known in endocrinology, and especially among doctors specializing in diabetes, that excessive lipolysis is highly…

Posted in Science

Human study – vitamin B1 safe & effective for preventing & treating Alzheimer Disease (AD)

A remarkable study, that for some reason is not being covered by mainstream media. Considering 99% of…

Posted in Science

Both “long” COVID-19 and CFS are likely caused by hypometabolism

A good study that examines the remarkable parallels between the so-called “long” COVID-19 (i.e. chronic display of…

Posted in Science

Manufactured citric acid is a powerful inflammatory/allergy agent

I great study, which goes hand-in-hand with another one I recently posted about in regards to silica…

Posted in Science

Aspirin reduces symptom severity, COVID-19 mortality by half

Another great result for aspirin, which I suspect will not see much mainstream media publicity and will…

Posted in Science

Cellular “memory” of stress can be passed on for 50+ generations

There was a study that came out 2-3 years ago showing that when animals were exposed to…

Posted in Science

Metabolically, children are different species compared to adults

A great study, which once again puts metabolism in the spotlight. Many studies have tried to discover…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide increases aerobic capacity, muscle endurance in humans

There has been a steady increase in human studies with vitamin B3 analogs over the last 3-5…

Posted in Science

Vitamin B1 can reverse heart damage/failure caused by alcoholism

The beneficial effects of vitamin B1 (thiamine) on the nervous system have been known for a long…