Category: Science

Scientific articles and discussions, with my comments and take on the topics therein.

Posted in Science

Obesity linked to mitochondrial dysfunction in GI tract, treatable by fat restriction

I think the claim that obesity can be caused by lower metabolism is not something contentious, even…

Posted in Science

HIV-1 Breakthrough: niacinamide as a possible treatment

The study does not claim a cure but it is a direct corroboration of human trials with…

Posted in Science

Niacinamide may treat Parkinson Disease (PD)

A very interesting study, which used a relatively high dose of nicotinamide riboside (NR) to treat Parkinson…

Posted in Science

Aspirin may reverse NAFLD/fibrosis by reducing fat accumulation, inflammation

Another great win for aspirin, especially considering the prevalence of NAFLD, NASH, fibrosis/cirrhosis and even liver cancer….

Posted in Science

Just one aspirin (300mg) daily stops a patient’s terminal liver cancer

While the evidence for aspirin’s preventive effects on numerous cancer types is extensive and even mainstream medicine…

Posted in Science

STUDY: high serotonin linked to dementia; MEDIA: low serotonin linked to dementia

Once again, a level of misreporting that I am much more included to ascribe to malice than…

Posted in Science

Aspirin may slow/stop aneurysm growth

Life, it seems, is not without a sense of irony:-) We have been hearing non-stop fearmongering for…

Posted in Science

Multiple sclerosis (MS) may be due to low metabolism / glucose oxidation

Nothing surprising in the findings of the study, and in fact a great corroboration of the results…

Posted in Science

Almost 1000 common food/drug/household chemicals are (estrogenic) carcinogens

Back in 2023, I had an interview with Dr. Mercola in regards to estrogen and its role…

Posted in Science

Adolescent stress causes mental illness, cognitive issues by lowering metabolism

It has long been known that pre-natal stress (e.g. stressed of the mother during pregnancy), as well…