Higher testosterone (T) levels protect against diabetes in males
Another study that contradicts the pervasive dogma that higher T levels are a nightmare for aging males,…
PUFA can cause male infertility by inhibiting oxidative metabolism (OXPHOS)
The study looked at one of the members of the PUFA family that even mainstream medicine is…
Low-carb diets linked to increased risk of atrial fibrillation (Afib)
Another hit for the low-carb lifestyle/diet. Some recent studies showed that low-carb diets or fasting increased risk…
Low thyroid, cholesterol, vitamin D/K linked to depression and suicide
One of the few studies out there that dared to touch the “metabolic theory” of depression. Namely,…
Fish oil (omega-3) causes, not prevents cardiovascular disease (CVD)
A rather damning finding, and it was based on one of the largest studies to date examining…
Childhood stress causes muscle dysfunction in adulthood by damaging oxidative metabolism
Yet another study demonstrating that many mysterious, and sometimes severe/fatal (e.g. ALS) muscle-related conditions may be not…
SSRI drugs, serotonin (5-HT) can cause chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Mainstream medicine does not officially recognize the condition commonly known as CFS. Depending on which doctor one…
Stress/cortisol/aldosterone cause kidney disease; pregnenolone/progesterone treat it
The condition known as chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most common long-term co-morbidity of…
Intermittent fasting has no benefits, ups risk of dying from heart disease
The bad news for the intermittent fasting crowd (and by extension, for the low-carb crowd as well)…
Estrogen and cortisol inhibit mitochondrial oxidation, vitamin E reverses the inhibition
More specifically, those steroids inhibit NADH (also known as DPNH) oxidation in the mitochondria, which shifts the…